
Most people that read this blog are aware of the large amount of “Jailbreaking” that goes on with the iPhone, but did you know it is now becoming common practice on the Palm Pre? While the Pre has only been out for a month users have become accustomed to a large variety of applications being available for their mobile devices and dislike the limited selection currently available for Palms webOS.  Palm is saying that they will have the Software Development Kit (SDK) more widely available soon so that more developers can make applications for the Pre but they are taking their sweet time.

Due to Palms lethargy users have now turned to making their own applications and giving them to other users via the PreCentral forums. These forums are very active with lots of support to guide you on installing the applications. This could also be a good way for amateur developers to introduce their Pre applications to other users. Here are some of the Homebrew applications currently available:

  • Dot Game
  • Translator
  • Xbox Live Friends
  • Othello
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Snake
  • Solitaire
  • Tip Calculator
  • Paint
  • Jokes
  • BADD Flashlight
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Google Maps Bookmarks

There are currently about 20 applications available while the Palm Marketplace has 30. At the rate that developers are getting motivated it will only be a short period of time before the Homebrew applications will out weigh the official applications.

Check It Out> PreCentral, PreCentral Forums