If you are like me, you bookmark a lot of web sites. Frequently it is just the discovery of something cool, useful, or perhaps just something to check out later. The problem however with bookmarks is that the content they link to can change and disappear over time. You can always manually clean out [...]
Firefox's archives
CrunchPad Will Beat Google Chrome OS To Market
For those that are in a coma today and have not yet heard, Google announced late last night they are releasing the “Google Chrome Operating System”. The idea is that the Internet Browser is the OS and for devices such as Netbooks it is all you really need. At first Google sounds like a genius [...]
Why is Internet Explorer 8′s adoption rate so slow?
Why won’t Microsoft’s IE 8 be widely adopted by Windows users across the world? Maybe it is because it is not a “required” updated yet, or maybe it is because people are simply finding that other browsers do the job better. Personally I only have one reason to even open Internet Explorer and that is [...]
Vietnam will be migrating to Open Source, not Windows 7
Not everyone is jumping on the enterprise Windows 7 bandwagon. Earlier this month Vietnam announced that all of their governmental computers will be loaded with open source software.
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