Now the that Windows 7 RC is out and the code essentially locked, the Micorosoft information machine is kicking into overdrive.  Channel 9, the Microsoft video blog, has released about 30 videos regarding Windows 7.  Most of these videos are pretty long and in depth, if you plan on watching all of them you might want to set apart a few days.

Kernel and Internals

Inside Windows 7 – User Mode Scheduler

Inside Windows 7 – Service Control Manager

Mark Russinovich – Inside Windows 7

New NUMA Support with Windows 7

Windows 7: Best Practices for Developing for Windows Standard User


Windows 7 New Taskbar – An Overview

Taskbar – Behind the Scenes

Designing the Windows 7 Taskbar

Jump into the Windows 7 Taskbar Jump Lists

Windows 7 Taskbar Beta Feedback

Windows 7 Taskbar Advanced Topics


Windows 7 Graphics Architecture Overview – Part 1

Windows 7 Graphics Architecture Overview – Part 2

Windows 7 Graphics Architecture Overview – Part 3


Using Touch in Line-of-Business Applications

Programming Windows 7 Multi Touch – Part 1

Programming Windows 7 Multi Touch – Part 2

Sensor and Location

Windows 7: The Sensor and Location Platform – Building Context Aware Applications


A Lap around Windows 7 Ribbon

Ribbon Markup Overview

Ribbon Deep Dive

Windows Animation Manager

Windows Animation Overview

Libraries and Federated Search

Windows 7: Find and Organize Part 1 – The User Experience

Windows 7: Find and Organize Part 2 – Building Federated Search applications

Windows 7: Empower users to find, visualize and organize their data with Libraries and the Explorer


PowerShell V2 Functions

PowerShell V2 Sessions and Debugging

PowerShell V2 Modules


The story behind a few of the new Windows 7 wallpapers

Windows 7 RC Features Slideshow on eWeek

Check It Out> Channel 9 via The Windows Blog