Viral Marketing is still a relatively new thing to many companies and sometimes it can back fire. Microsoft in their attempt to create a viral video advertising Internet Explorer 8 might have gone a little too far. After the video was released this week enough people complained and Microsoft pulled the advertisement.
Skip this paragraph if you have a weak stomach: O.M.G.I.G.P. or “Oh My God I’m Going To Puke”, shows a presumably married couple siting at a table when the woman asks to borrow the mans laptop. When he agrees she proceeds to look at the screen and then vomit uncontrollably. The man then slips on the vomit at which point she continues to vomit on him.
The whole point of this particular advertisement was to highlight IE8′s private browsing feature. If you are Internet savvy, which I am assuming you are because you are visiting this website, then you know that private browsing is generally used for something you should not be doing in the first place. While there are legitimate uses for this type of feature does it really need an advertisement?
I am sure this will be the highlight video of a future TV show “Viral Gone Wrong”. This does for sure take the cake as one of the most disturbing videos from Microsoft. Maybe the whole point of the advertisement was to get people talking about it, either positively or negatively, it is advertising.
Check It Out> Neowin, YouTube O.M.G.I.G.P.