Pokki is a new application store that brings the applications to you that otherwise remain on the Internet. Made with HTML5, CSS, and Java Script, the applications are lite weight and at least at this point in time, easy on resources. Windows has been in need of a application marketplace for many many years. The [...]
App Store's archives
You don’t need to wait for Palms App Catalog
When it comes to adding applications to their marketplace Palm appears incredibly slow. It has been 2 1/2 months and they still appear to be dragging their feet on their app store. The ironic part to all of this is that Apple took a year to deploy their app store but it has been such [...]
Palm Pre “Classic” shown on video
This video shows more about MotionApps Classic application for the Palm Pre. One thing that is called out in this video is that there are more than 30,000 Palm OS applications on the market. This is a pretty amazing number if true, it would mean that Palm is debuting the Pre with more applications than [...]
Windows Mobile Marketplace, interface is not everything
One of the biggest things that makes the iPhone so successful is their App Store. Other phones are now following that lead and either have or are working towards having their own store. Microsoft has finally decided to get into the application market and now we get to see their futile attempt to be competitive. [...]
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