People’s preference and love for different operating systems can be an entertaining thing. ZDNet’s Adrian Kingsley-Hughes has noticed a post over at Slashdot regarding Windows 7 and some of it’s “flaws” regarding the Windows Firewall and of course DRM. He simply calls it the Worst. Windows 7. Piece. EVER! Read more»
Photoshop's archives
Yet another Mac Trojan on torrent sites
Mac users are particularly vulnerable to this type of trojan because they have a false sense of security and think that only Windows computers get infected. Spyware applications that have recently been made for Mac computers look very genuine as malware writers are attempting to capitalize on Mac users inexperience. The next year will be an interesting one for Apple users at the rate malware is being introduced for them. Read more»
BSOD phtoshop results are in….
Well the results are in and there are 131 of them. Some of them are pretty good and others just inappropriate but one thing is for sure, Microsoft needs to give us a new Blue Screen Of Death. Read more»
BSOD Photoshop contest at Gizmodo
To help spice things up a little bit Gizmodo’s Photoshop contest of the week is to design a new BSOD for Windows. Maybe this type of feedback will persuade Microsoft to thrown in a new BSOD for the final release of Windows 7. Doubtful but still possible. Read more»
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