It is very common to run across malware distribution sites on the Internet but usually they are designed in such a manner that it is easy to know they are malicious. One site in particular looks impressive and extremely legitimate but is infecting OSX computers with the OSX/RSPlug-F trojan.
Malware targeting Apple computers is on the [...] Read more»
Trojan's archives
Mac Trojan site is keeping it classy for it’s victims
News networks will soon be scaring you with ATM malware
ATM’s are pretty awesome devices that virtually everyone uses no matter what country you are in. They are convenient and typically located at every bank, mall and gas station. Most average consumers never even begin to think about the possibility that they are not secure. Usually they are concerned with someone seeing their pin number [...] Read more»
Yet another Mac Trojan on torrent sites
Mac users are particularly vulnerable to this type of trojan because they have a false sense of security and think that only Windows computers get infected. Spyware applications that have recently been made for Mac computers look very genuine as malware writers are attempting to capitalize on Mac users inexperience. The next year will be an interesting one for Apple users at the rate malware is being introduced for them. Read more»
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