An intelligent new feature of Windows 7 is called AeroSnap. Basically what it does is that as you move an application or window to different sections of the screen it will snap or to the display at full screen, left side, right side etc. To show how widely received this has been by the users there are now applications that add this feature in to both XP and Vista. One area where I would not have expected this feature to show up in is Windows PE. PE stands for Pre-Installation Environment and is actually the operating system used to start the installation of Windows Vista and Windows 7.


UPDATE:: It appears as if all of the standard shortcuts for AeroSnaps that work in Windows 7 also work in Windows PE.

Maximize Keyboard shortcut: WINKEY + UP ARROW

Maximize vertically Keyboard shortcut: WINKEY + SHIFT + UP ARROW

Snap to the left side of screen Keyboard shortcut: WINKEY + LEFT ARROW

Snap to the right side of screen Keyboard shortcut: WINKEY + RIGHT ARROW

Restore Keyboard shortcut: WINKEY + DOWN ARROW