Download Squad has a post up with some pretty amazing statistics regarding the torrented Windows 7 Beta that was uploaded to the torrent sites last week.
“Pirate Bay’s now has more than 5,500 seeders and more than twice that number leeching. Mininova’s top two torrents have almost 6,000 seeders and 17,000 leechers. “
For any single torrent that is a lot of traffic especially this soon after the initial leak. I am sure that Microsoft is very pleased with the buzz they are getting around Windows 7 especially seeing as all of the negative publicity they have had to endure as a result of Windows Vista. While Microsoft has had other betas that were leaked to the Internet this one is going at a startling pace and will probably have a good chunk of the OS market share long before it goes Gold and is released to the OEM’s.
Check It Out> Download Squad
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