This video is from the webcast Palm CTO Mitch Allen did this week on the Palm Pre and webOS detailing application development and the SDK. For most people this video is going to be pretty boring but if you are interested in developing for the Pre it is essential viewing.
One thing is abundantly clear after seeing this video is just how incredibly simple creating applications for webOS is. Since webOS applications are built with web standards it is a given that it will be easy but this video really reinforces just how easy it is.
Watching this video really makes me want to dive into web development again after a very long hiatus. I am sure that this platform is going to draw a lot of developers to webOS just due to the simplicity of it. I don’t think that Palm will experience the same criticisms that Apple did regarding their SDK as things really look well thought out and geared to draw developers. Now all we need to do is get StyleTap to make a version of their software for webOS and things will really be looking good for Palm.
Andrew over at has a pretty good overview of the first part of the webcast which is definitely worth checking out especially if you just want the quick details.
Check It Out>
It was a very simple intro to building a webOS application…they demonstrated the basic structure of a stage with multiple scenes and assistants, and even threw in a UI widget.
You can find an HD version of the webcast that’s actually readable here:
If you don’t feel like sitting through an hour’s worth of video, we’ve summarized the tutorial here:
Andrew’s last blog post..Palm OS farewell party signifies new webOS era